Matthew 4:4

"Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God" - Matthew 4:4

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

13 Mar 13: The crucifixion of Jesus / Paul's Advice to Unmarried Man

Read Matthew 27:31-56 and 1 Corinthians 7:32-40

I. The crucifixion of Jesus
a. Passage (Matthew 27:31-56)
- After his trial, Jesus was led to the Calvary mountain where he awaits his crucifixion.  On the way there, he was beaten, mocked, spitted on, flogged, and ridiculed.  A man named Simon from Cyrene helped Him carry the cross when He couldn't go anymore.  At the mountain, He was crucified along with two robbers.  After crying out to the Father, Jesus gave His spirit.  At the same time, the temple curtains were torn in half, the ground shook, and the tombs broke open.

b. Reflection
- Jesus' crucifixion fulfills His mission here on earth.  God sacrificed His only begotten Son so we can live forever. Jesus blood was the price paid for our sins.  This just shows how God loves us so much that "while we were still sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8).  With his death, Jesus fulfilled the law and we now have a way for our salvation.  It is now up to us if we want to accept Him as our savior and follow Him.  Let us not put Jesus' death in vain by devoting our lives to God.  Let us live the life that God wants so we can receive His grace.  Remember that Jesus is the only way and by proclaiming our faith, repenting from our sins, and living a righteous life, we will be blessed with eternity with our Father in heaven.

II. Paul's Advice to Unmarried Man
a. Passage (1 Corinthians 7:32-40)
- Paul gave some good reasons for remaining single.  Once again, he does not condemn marriage but he said that it'll be better to stay single because you can put all your energy into God's ministry.

- Reflection
- Paul's message here is not an attack on marriage but a personal recommendation.  Singleness is a gift of God and sometimes, God's plan is for others to stay single to be able to fulfill their ministry.  By being single, you can give 100% of your time and energy to God's commission.  This only works if you fully devote yourself to Him.  There is nothing in the Bible stating that you have to be single to be able to preach and share the Gospel.  We all have our strengths and weaknesses and we should use the talents that God had blessed us to help God's mission.  Instead of wasting our time to determine if we have to be single or married, let us utilize our energy in spreading the Word of God so we can make disciples of other nations and at the same time, show them God's love and the way for salvation.

III. Proverbs for Today / 11:8
The righteous man is rescued from trouble and it comes on the wicked instead

IV. Old Testament Reading
Numbers 19-20 and Psalms 56:1-13

Worship Song of the Week: Voice of Truth- Casting Crowns