Matthew 4:4

"Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God" - Matthew 4:4

Sunday, January 6, 2013

6 Jan 13: John Baptizes Jesus and/ Paul's Warning to the Jews

** Read Matthew 3:13-17 and Romans 2:17-29

I. John Baptizes Jesus
Matthew 3:13-17 tells the story of the baptism of Jesus by John.  When John saw Jesus coming towards him, In John 1:29, he said "Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world".  This signifies that John acknowledges that Jesus is the messiah and the sacrifice by God. At first, John was hesitant do the baptism and probably misunderstood the Lord's plan.  Even though Jesus Christ was sinless, he still asked to be baptized for purification and to fulfill the scripture.  Jesus is the High priest of the church and the final step of Moses' preparation of the priests was to be washed by water (Leviticus 8:6).  Jesus also sanctified himself in preparation of being the sacrifice for our sins.  Additionally, this event symbolized the passing of the Old Covenant to the new.  In verse 16, it says that Jesus came up immediately from the water.  This means that Jesus was in the water and came up from immersion in water or a dip in the water.  This is to symbolize a new body and a new life, someone that is born again.  People sometimes ask what being "born again" means (John 3:3).  It simply means being born again in the spirit.  We were born in the flesh during our birth date but when you accept Jesus and honor God, we are born of the spirit into the family of God.  When Jesus came out, the heaven opened up and the holy spirit came down to Jesus, like a dove, from God.  And then God said, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.  This confirmed to John the Baptist and to others who are at the site of baptism that Jesus was the messiah, the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, the Lamb of God.

II. Paul's Warning to the Jews
Romans 2:17-29 are not verses used as an ethnic slur or to discriminate the Jews.  This simply talks about Hypocrisy by the Jewish people and the salvation that they needed.  Most Jews at that time thought that they were better than everyone and they already have a free ticket to the kingdom of God just because they were born in God's nation that they are not guilty of their sins.  Paul in his message is trying to say that everyone is guilty before God, no matter who you are, and desperately need salvation through the faith in Jesus Christ, and not through rituals or laws (circumcision?).  At the same time, he is showing the Gentiles (non-believers) that even the Jews, who live in higher standards and possesses the Laws of God, are sinners and need to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Sometimes, we as Christians, give our faith a bad name.  We say that we are followers of Christ but we still sin, we gamble, get drunk, commit adultery, have idols in our homes, hold grudges on people and do not forgive, lie, steal, our proud of our accomplishments (and do not give glory to God).  My advice to new and longtime believers is not to put your faith into people.  Don't rely on your brothers and sisters in faith and even your pastors or teachers for they are only human and still have their sinful nature.  If you keep "idolizing" them, you will only be disappointed because it is not "if" but "when" they commit sin.  The Word of God is available, you can buy a Bible or use the internet to read the Gospel.  We need to stop trusting only on our "leaders" to provide us the message.  We need to read and study the Word to find the truth.  By doing so, you will find for yourself that MOST of the traditions that the world do today is against what God wants from us.  From idolatry, to repeating memorized prayers over and over just like the pagans (7 And when you pray, do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do. For they think that they will be heard for their many words.- Matthew 6:7), and to pray to dead and alive people (Mary, saints, the pope), and self flagellation (done because people do not trust in Jesus and what he has done for us.  Jesus died in the cross for our sins so we don't have to do all this).  We should only put our trust in God and not in mortal men for God is the only One who can give us salvation and eternal life.

"Pride has kept many people from accepting Jesus Christ as Savior. Admitting sin and acknowledging that in our own strength we can do nothing to inherit eternal life is a constant stumbling block for prideful people. We are not to boast about ourselves; if we want to boast, then we are to proclaim the glories of God. What we say about ourselves means nothing in God’s work. It is what God says about us that makes the difference (2 Corinthians 10:13)".

III. Proverbs for Today/1:29-33

29 Because they hated knowledge
And did not choose the fear of the LORD,
30 They would have none of my counsel
And despised my every rebuke.
31 Therefore they shall eat the fruit of their own way,
And be filled to the full with their own fancies.
32 For the turning away of the simple will slay them,
And the complacency of fools will destroy them;
33 But whoever listens to me will dwell safely,
And will be secure, without fear of evil.”

IV. Old Testament Readings:
Genesis 13:5-18, Genesis 14-15, and Psalms 6:1-10

Prayer: Father God, we thank you once again to have the opportunity to learn together as a member of your family.  Father we thank you for sending your son for we need Him and his gospel for our salvation.  We know that it is not through our works and not through traditions and laws that we will inherit your kingdom, but through faith, repentance, and through the holy spirit when we accept your Holy Son as our savior.  Father, please open our hearts that we will start reading the bible so we can learn the right message.  Please guide us so we wont be hypocrites and follow your way.  Help us to learn that Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice and that we don't have to say a memorized prayer twice, 3 times, or 10 times to be forgiven just as what the pagans do, and that we don't have to hurt ourselves by self flagellation or other ways because Jesus has done that for us and we now have a relationship with you through Him.  We ask all this through you son, in Jesus' name.  Amen.

Worship Song of the Week: Voice of Truth- Casting Crowns