Matthew 4:4

"Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God" - Matthew 4:4

Sunday, March 10, 2013

10 Mar 13: False Accusations to God/ Paul's Advice on Divorce

Read Matthew 26: 57-75 and 1 Corinthians 7:10-17

I.  False Accusations to God
a. Passage (Matthew 26: 57-75)
- After Jesus' arrest, He was taken to the High Priest for trial.  The religious leaders tried everything to get Him sentenced so they gave false evidence and accused Jesus of blasphemy.  Jesus was punched, spitted at, and mocked.  At the same time, Peter was asked by onlookers of his association with Jesus which he denied three time before the rooster crowed.

b. Reflection
- Witnesses was brought to the High Court to give their testimonies of what Jesus said.  They distorted Jesus' message about destroying the temple and raising it back and accused Jesus of blasphemy.  Even today, we hear many who throw false accusations about God.  They distort His message in hopes of discouraging our faith and our Christian walk.  They put God on trial accusing Him of not helping when they face any struggles such as a death in the family or a lost of job.  They provide false testimonies to others that God was not there when they needed help.  At the same time, we as His followers are watched carefully and one mistake that we make is judged severely.  We need to be strong at all times and keep our faith in the Lord even during dark times.  God has a plan for all of us and event hough we do not get what we want, God had promised to take care of us and provide for all our needs.  He has a plan for each and one of us and all we need to do is let him lead us to that path.

II. Paul's Advice on Divorce
a. Passage (1 Corinthians 7:10-17)
- Paul advised the Corinthian believers not to divorce their spouse just because there are non-believers.

b. Reflection
- During those times, some people in the church wanted to divorce their pagan spouses and marry Christians.  Paul reminded us that marriage is done by God and once we are one, we cannot be separated unless by God.  If we do separate, we should always work hard and pray to reestablish our marriage.  Instead of divorcing our spouses, we should minister to them and win his or her heart to the Lord.  We should be a living testimony to them so they may see God's love shining through us.

III. Proverbs for Today / 11:4
-Wealth is worthless in the day of wrath, but righteousness delivers from death

IV. Old Testament Reading
Numbers 14, Numbers 15:1-16, and Psalms 53:1-6

Worship Song of the Week: Voice of Truth- Casting Crowns