Matthew 4:4

"Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God" - Matthew 4:4

Thursday, February 14, 2013

14 Feb 13: A Coin to Pay Taxes and/ Adopt the Attitude of Jesus

**Read Matthew 17:22-27 and Romans 15:1-6

I. A Coin to Pay Taxes
- Matthew 17:22-27; In verses 22-23, Jesus predicted his death and resurrection once again.  Because His disciples did not know His real mission on earth, they were saddened by this.  The were all in grief because they did not understand why Jesus kept talking about His death when old scriptures stated that He will establish His kingdom.  What they did not know is that Jesus was establishing a Kingdom but it is not political and not here on earth.  Jesus' Kingdom is not of this world and as Christians, we are only here on earth temporarily. The Father has set a place for us in heaven through our faith in Jesus Christ and the repentance of our sins.

- In verses 24-27, a tax collector asked Peter if Jesus will be paying his taxes, which Jesus said he would.  When they came to his house, Jesus explained how strangers usually pay the taxes for the Kings of this world.  Just like in heaven, as sons and daughters of our loving Father, we are free from taxes once we repent and our saved.  Instead of worrying for money and all other treasures in this world, we need to be focus on the treasures of heaven.  All this cash, gold, and other "earthly stuff" has no value in the eyes of God.  On the other hand, all those who have rejected God and His word, would have to pay their share of taxes.  It is simple, either we are for Him or against Him.  Those who are for Him will receive everlasting life. Those who are against Him will receive death.  So which side are you in?

II. Adopt the Attitude of Jesus
- In Romans 15:1-6, As followers of Christ, we need to live and act like Jesus.  Jesus came to us, not to live a great life but suffer and be a sacrifice for the sinners.  For us to live a life of the Lord, we need to start thinking of others and show our love and compassion to them.  We need to stop looking at how we can be the richest or how we can have the coolest and newest fad at that time.  We tend to boast of our new electronics, jewelries, clothing, cars, jobs and all we are doing is glorifying and worshiping ourselves.  We don't do this to share it with others but for them to actually be envious of our success.  As a Christian, we chose to leave the life of this world and live the life of the Lord.  If we truly accept to be "born-again", God changed us from within and His love will reflect in our words and actions.  Instead of boasting of our own successes, let us share these blessings to our brothers and sisters in faith and at the same time, glorify God.

III. Proverbs for Today/ 9:9-10

9 Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be still wiser;
Teach a just man, and he will increase in learning.
10 “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,
And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.

IV. Additional Old Testament Reading:

Worship Song of the Week: Voice of Truth- Casting Crowns