Matthew 4:4

"Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God" - Matthew 4:4

Sunday, March 3, 2013

3 Mar 13: Prepare for The Lord's Coming / Paul Counsels His Beloved Children

Read Matthew 24:32-51 and 1 Corinthians 4:14-21

I.  Prepare for The Lord's Coming
Matthew 24:32-51, This study has one simple message for all of us: be ready.  As believers, we are all waiting for the second coming of Jesus Christ.  This is a day of joy for all His followers but a gloomy one for those who rejected Him.  For better understanding, let me use a story of a small school.

A rich man visited a school and was dismayed when he saw that it was dirty.  There were papers on the floor and trash everywhere.  As an experiment, he chose one classroom and told the students that one day, he will return and inspect the classroom again.  Whoever has the cleanest desk, he will reward the student a brand new IPad.   For the first week, each student had their desks neat and made sure that there are no trash near them.  After a couple of weeks, some went back to their old ways and had clutter all over their desk.  With another month passing by, most had given up except for one boy.  This boy kept his desk clean every day, believing that one day, the rich man will come back.  He was mocked, ridiculed, and bullied by his classmates but he kept his faith on that promise.  A month before the end of the school year, a knock was made and it was the rich man standing by the door.  When the students saw him, they frantically tried to clean their desk but they were stopped and was told to stand by the wall.  Each desk was then inspected and was rejected until he reached the little boy's desk.  After seeing that the boy kept his faith and cleaned his desk every single school day, the rich man handed him his new Ipad in front of his classmates.

Just like the little boy, we have to trust in the Lord's promise that one day He will return.  We need to be always prepared for we do not know the day or time of his return.  Only God, the Father, knows when that time comes so till that day, we need to keep repenting from our sins, keep following the ways of the Lord, and building treasures in heaven.  If we do this, God will reward us with the free gift of salvation and eternal life in heaven.

II. Paul Counsels His Beloved Children
1 Corinthians 4:14-21, Paul reminds us that our faith is not just listening or talking about the Word but actually living it.  We might know all the verses in the Bible but that does not make us righteous in the eyes of God.  We all need to act like Christians by following Jesus' way.  Once we are baptized in the water and in the spirit, we are to change our old ways and live a righteous life.  As we discussed in previous devotionals, it does not matter who the messenger is, what really matters is the message and how the Spirit works in us.  Let us keep our walk of faith, study the Bible, and live a Christian life.  Let us continue to ask forgiveness of our sins, follow Jesus, and build a relationship with God.

III. Proverbs for Today/ 10:23
A fool finds pleasure in evil conduct, but a man in understanding delights in wisdom

IV. Old Testament Reading:
Leviticus 27:14-34 , Numbers 1, and Psalms 46:1-11

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Worship Song of the Week: Voice of Truth- Casting Crowns