Matthew 4:4

"Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God" - Matthew 4:4

Monday, March 11, 2013

11 Mar 13: The Religious Leaders Plot against Jesus / Bought a Price

Read Matthew 27:1-10 and 1 Corinthians 7:18-24

I. The Religious Leaders Plot against Jesus
a. Passage (Matthew 27:1-10)
- The religious leaders had already accused Jesus of Blasphemy. Now, they are plotting of putting him to Jesus to death so they sent home to Pontius Pilate who was the Roman governor at that time. When Judas Iscariot saw the condemnation, He felt guilty and tried to return the 30 pieces of silver. Because of the remorse, he committed suicide by hanging.

b. Reflection
- The religious leaders already gave Jesus a false accusation of Blasphemy, a spiritual offense. For them to put Jesus to death, they need the approval of the Roman Empire so this is where Pilate comes to place. Blasphemy is not punishable in the Roman Empire but rebellion is. By alleging that Jesus Christ had claimed that he is God, hence having more power than Caesar, the leaders can show that Jesus is a traitor and is leading a resistance against Rome. Are we like the religious leaders? Do we sometimes throw false accusations to Jesus? The leaders feared of losing power and they did everything in their control to get rid of the messiah. When we are facing difficulties, we sometimes do the same thing. When we don't get what we want, we start blaming God for what happened. Instead of accepting Him, we tried to criticize Him. Remember that our prayers will be answered if it is God's will. If our prayers do not get answered at that time, keep in mind that God has a plan for us and it will happen in his time. Let us trust our lives in Him and let Him direct our paths. He is the way, the truth, and the light and His grace is what will give us salvation.

II. Bought a Price
a. Passage (1 Corinthians 7:18-24)
- Paul reminded us that the laws of men do not apply to us anymore. The first covenant with the Jews was to have all believers circumcised. Paul said that if we were called by God, as gentiles, then we do not have to follow the religious laws of the Jews (being circumcised). At the same time, when you accepted the Lord when you were already circumcised, then you do not have to get uncircumcised again. We are called to remain in the place where God had placed us. Jesus already has done the work by shedding his blood for our salvation. All we need now is to accept Christ as our savior and repent of our sins.

b. Reflection
- We receive our salvation not by following the laws but through our faith and by grace of God. It is not because of us following the laws of Moses that we receive eternal life. But, when we are saved and the Spirit dwell in us, we are changed within and we start showing love, compassion, and joy. James 2:14-26 reads "Faith without works is dead". If you have faith but you do not show it outwardly, it means that it is a fake faith and you are a hypocrite. We show our love to God by following His commands. We were once a slave, but Jesus' death in the cross bought us from slavery. Jesus' blood was used to pay for our sins. We were once slaved to the power of sin, but with his resurrection, we are now free and are new creations. With our new found freedom, we now can walk in righteousness by following Jesus' ways.

III. Proverbs for Today / 11:5-6
The righteousness of the blameless makes a straight way for them, but the wicked are brought down by their own wickedness. The righteousness of the upright delivers them, but the unfaithful are trapped by evil desires.

IV. Old Testament Reading
Numbers 15:17-41, Numbers 16:1-40, and Psalms 54:1-7

Worship Song of the Week: Voice of Truth- Casting Crowns