Matthew 4:4

"Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God" - Matthew 4:4

Friday, February 1, 2013

1 Feb 13: Parables of the Kingdom and/ A Stumbling Block to the Jews

**Read Matthew 13:24-35 and Romans 11:7-12

I. Parables of the Kingdom
- In Matthew 13:24-35; Jesus again used parables to illustrate the kingdom of heaven.  in Verses 24-30, Jesus told the parable of the weeds.  The wheat are the believers and the weeds are the non-believers.  This can also represent the church as a whole.  In a congregation, there are always the "true Christians" and the ones who "say that they are Christians".  There are murderers, idolaters, adulterers, liers, thieves, gossipers, and money lovers among us for the church is open to anyone.  In a church, we, as human beings, can not distinguish who they are.  Appearances can be deceiving.  We cannot judge people by the way they look or our first impression.  Some might come to service with their nice coats or Sunday dress, stands up and lifts their hand during worship, but when they get home, they prey on young kids in the internet or they worship their money and belongings.  Then we'll have someone who comes in wearing a simple shirt and jeans and has a full beard, tattoos, and ear piercings everywhere but leads a bible study and volunteers at a homeless shelter every Saturday.  Jesus is saying that these two groups of people would be separated during judgment day by God.  God, when it is time, will determine who are wicked and who are the righteous.  The wicked would be "tied into bundles and burned" in eternal damnation while the righteous would be gathered into the barn and receive salvation and eternal life.  It is not our job to separate them but when the time comes, when they are "fully grown", God will distinguish them and give his judgment.

II. A Stumbling Block to the Jews
- In Romans 11:7-12, Paul explained how Jesus Christ have shared the "good news" and only some have accepted it.  Many have rejected Him as the messiah and if they continue to refuse the "good news", they eventually would be punished by God and would be blinded and be deaf for they would not understand what they see and what they hear for the message would be unclear no matter what they do.  Without knowledge of the Word of God, you would not know God.  And without God, there would be no grace and salvation.

-  There are many out there who we've tried to reach and share the message but have rejected God's word.  They have hardened hearts who are set on their beliefs influenced by their customs, religious traditions, and family culture. We have family members and friends who discourage us with our faith and try to pull us back to our "old religion" because of the misfortunes that is happening in our lives.  They seem to reject our way of life, which we actually based from the Bible, God's Word.  It's not like we distorted the message and added laws of men and try to force it to them.  We are basically just following and sharing what the Bible says.  But because they are blinded by the lusts of the world and pride, they would not change for the better, they would not accept the "good news", and they would no follow Jesus' way.  The scripture clearly stated that if they continue to refuse, God will punish them and take away any chance of understanding the Word through the Holy Spirit, which will prevent them from a relationship with Jesus Christ and God and entry to the Kingdom of God.

III. Proverbs for Today/ 6:16-19

16 These six things the Lord hates,
Yes, seven are an abomination to Him:
17 A proud look,
A lying tongue,
Hands that shed innocent blood,
18 A heart that devises wicked plans,
Feet that are swift in running to evil,
19 A false witness who speaks lies,
And one who sows discord among brethren.

IV.Additional Old Testament Reading:
Exodus 13:17-22, Exodus 14, Exodus 15:1-18, and Psalms 26:1-12

Worship Song of the Week: Voice of Truth- Casting Crowns