Matthew 4:4

"Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God" - Matthew 4:4

Sunday, February 17, 2013

17 Feb 13: Jesus Teaches about Divorce and/ The Collection for The Jerusalem Church

**Read Matthew 19:1-12 and Romans 15:23-33

I. Jesus Teaches about Divorce
Matthew 19:1-12  ; In verses 1-10, Jesus was again tested and confronted by the Pharisees regarding what is written in Deuteronomy 24:1-4 about divorce. The Pharisees asked Jesus if it was "lawful for a man to divorce his wife for just any reason?". Jesus replied by challenging them instead. Jesus told them that God's initial plan was to join a man and woman after marriage and never separate them. But because of our hard hearts and sinful nature, they had to allow to divorce as long as it is because of adultery. Jesus added that if you were divorced because of "other than unfaithfulness" reasons, if you remarry, it will still be considered adultery.

- We see, God had a great plan for marriage. He created Adam and Eve so they can live together forever. Nowadays, couples don't see marriage as anything special. Here in the US, people say that you are really not an American unless you are divorced at least once. And what is the main reason for divorces? It is because of "irreconcilable differences". It is the differences between spouses that are considered sufficiently severe to make married life together more or less impossible. Then why did you get married
in the first place? People don't care about marriage because of how easy it is to divorce. If you have "irreconcilable differences", then separate but with prayers and trusting God, you will be reconciled as long as you live the Lord's way. If you are a true Christian, there would be no reasons for a divorce because you will love your spouse and trust God to fix your marriage.

- In verses 11-12, Jesus teaches about celibacy. A few definitions to make it easier to understand. Celibacy is the abstinence from sexual relations or acts. Eunuch is a castrated man or someone who is deprived of external genitals. Jesus told us to live like Eunuchs until marriage. I know this is hard because of the culture and the peer pressure especially in schools as young as middle school or even elementary but as true believers of Christ, we have to not give in to the peer pressure and the "world" just for the sake of "fitting in".

II. The Collection for The Jerusalem Church
- In  Romans 15:23-33 , Paul is asking the Gentiles to continue sharing their material blessings, providing necessities to the Jerusalem Church who has been experiencing some hardships. The Jerusalem church has been the source of missionaries sharing the Good News of the Lord of salvation to the Gentiles. Additionally, he asked them to pray with him that his listeners would accept the gospel and accept God. We need to share our blessings with the church. We need to help our brothers and sisters in faith especially those who are hungry, naked, and sick. Let us show God's love to them through our compassion by taking care of those in need.

IV. Additional Old Testament Reading:
Leviticus 4-5 and Psalms 36:1-12

Worship Song of the Week: Voice of Truth- Casting Crowns