Matthew 4:4

"Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God" - Matthew 4:4

Monday, February 11, 2013

11 Feb 13: Jesus Predicts His Own Death and/ Jesus Lord of Both Dead and Living

**Read Matthew 16:13-28 and/ Romans 14:5-9

I.  Jesus Predicts His Own Death
Matthew 16:13-28; In verses 13-20, Jesus asked the disciples who they think he was.  Some answers were that He was John the Baptist, Elijah, Jeremiah, or other prophets but Simon confessed that He was the Son of the Living God.  Jesus replied by blessing him and telling him that he didn't learn this from all the rumors and his own understanding but it was a gift from God that this had been revealed to him.  After this, Jesus changed his name to Cephas (Aramaic) or Petros (Greek) which meant rock for he will be the rock where the church will be built.  Peter did start the early Christian church in Jerusalem and he also was the first to profess that Jesus was the messiah and the son of God in front of a crowd during Pentecost.

- There are many religions that consider Jesus as many things.  Some argue that he was only a prophet just like Elijah or Moses.  Others don't even consider Him as a religious figure.  After all the prophecies that Jesus fulfilled and all the signs and miracles He performed during His ministry, we are assured that He is the messiah that God promised His children to save us from our sins.  We need to profess our faith and accept Him as our personal savior and confess it to others that we may glorify His name and praise Him.

-  In verses 21-28, Jesus predicted His own death. He told His disciples that He will face rejection, suffer in the hands of the church authorities, be killed, and resurrect after three days.  When Peter heard Jesus say this, he told Him that this will never happen to the messiah.  Jesus then replied by calling Peter "Satan".  Peter just proclaimed that Jesus was the Son of the Living God and because of this, he could not accept that the messiah, the Lord of the Lords, and the savior of the problems of the Jews, would suffer and end up dead.  Peter thought that Jesus was to rule over the kingdom here on earth and beat all those empires that ruled ever Israel and its people.  That's why Jesus called him Satan because it is Satan's desire for Jesus to live as a man forever and not finish God's mission to die for everyone's sin.  Peter had his own perception of what the Son of God will be doing on earth and he tried to define the mission and purpose of Christ.  We also tend to have our own definition of who Christ is and what is His mission.  Before we confess that Jesus is the Christ or the messiah and the Son of the Living God, we need to look closely what God had stated about Jesus' purpose.  We cannot be blinded by our human desires and agendas that will lead us to mistaken conclusions.  We need to learn from Him by studying His word and by doing this, we can build a true and deeper relationship with Him.

II. Jesus Lord of Both Dead and Living
Romans 14:5-9; In everything that we do, we need to remember to put God first and that we live to love and obey Him.  God needs to be the central focus of our lives.  All our wishes, desires, wants, and activities must have God in our minds.  No matter if we are alive or dead, we will still be God's children and He will shower us His blessings and His grace for he is a loving and faithful God.

III. Proverbs for Today/ 8:33-36

33 Hear instruction and be wise,
And do not disdain it.
34 Blessed is the man who listens to me,
Watching daily at my gates,
Waiting at the posts of my doors.
35 For whoever finds me finds life,
And obtains favor from the Lord;
36 But he who sins against me wrongs his own soul;
All those who hate me love death.”

IV. Additional Old Testament Reading:
Exodus 32-33 and Psalms 33:1-11

Worship Song of the Week: Voice of Truth- Casting Crowns