Matthew 4:4

"Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God" - Matthew 4:4

Thursday, January 31, 2013

31 Jan 13: Parable of the Sower and/ The Remnant of Israel

**Read Matthew 13:1-23 and Romans 11:1-6

I.  Parable of the Sower
- In Matthew 13:1-23, Jesus used the parable of the sower to illustrate the different people that is in the world.  The seed is the word of God and the sower is Jesus Christ.  When Jesus Christ shares his "good news" with others,  there are four receivers: the wayside, stony place, thorns, and finally, good ground.  The wayside are the people who receives the message but does not understand it.  They might think that the message is all rubbish talk.  These are the "close-minded" people who no matter what you share, would not care because they are stuck in their old tradition.  The stony place are the people who hear the message, accept it easily, but does not dig deeper in their faith.  They are the curious and willing who go to church every Sunday, sing the worship songs, and listen to the message but because they "don't have a root", when hardships come, they criticize God and blame Him for what is happening in their life.  They are the hypocrites and proclaim that they love God but worship idols, commit adultery, and gossips against others.  The thorns are the people who hear the message, accepts the message but at the same time, loves the world and its lusts.  They are the people who are blinded by money, fame, and pride.  They are the people who care so much about what people think about them and boasts all their successes to their fellow men.  Because of this, they don't bear good fruit for they are selfish and self-centered.  The final one are the good ground.  These are the people who hears the message, understands the message, accepts them, repent, and seek the Lord through bible studies and building a relationship with Him.  They are the ones who devote themselves by changing their lives and follow Jesus' way of life.  We can tell who they are because their lives drastically change and they don't do the "norm" or the way of the world anymore.  They bear good fruit and build treasures in heaven.  So what ground are you?    When are you going to leave the wayside, the stony place, and the thorns to go to the good ground and follow the way of the Lord?

II. The Remnant of Israel
- In Romans 11:1-6, Paul continued his argument that God has not left Israel and the chosen people.  At the same time, Paul has said that not all Jews would be saved.  Not just because they were descendants of Abraham, part of a religion or a family, they would automatically enter the kingdom of God.  They need to have faith in Jesus Christ as their savior and by the love and grace of God, they would have eternal life.   Remember that is only by grace of God and not of any works or good deeds that you would receive salvation and righteousness.

III. Proverbs for Today/ 6:12-15 (The Wicked Man)

12 A worthless person, a wicked man,
Walks with a perverse mouth;
13 He winks with his eyes,
He shuffles his feet,
He points with his fingers;
14 Perversity is in his heart,
He devises evil continually,
He sows discord.
15 Therefore his calamity shall come suddenly;
Suddenly he shall be broken without remedy.

IV. Additional Old Testament Reading:
 Exodus 10-11 Exodus 12:1-13  Psalms 25:1-15 

Worship Song of the Week: Voice of Truth- Casting Crowns